Only unrepresented, unpublished or self-published authors may submit work to FWGA for agency and representation.

FWGA is actively looking for innovative, engaging and prolific writers of fiction for representation. You are a good candidate if you have a completed work of unpublished or self-published work, and have the opportunity and drive to create more. We can serve as agent, publisher and distributor for those who tell great stories.

You must be an FWGA member to submit your work for consideration of agency, publication , community review, contests or awards. Only FWGA represented authors may participate in FWGA: FIRST CHAPTER publications, marketing and sales.


1- Please send an email to with our standard submission guidelines on this page.

2- Your subject line should read: “AGENCY REQUEST <last name, first name>”.

3- If selected, our editors will respond with an email attachment with our AGENCY AGREEMENT included for you to read and complete.

4- Your work must be complete before submitting. Partial work, summaries or concepts will be discarded without reading.


WFGA is a non-profit entity. We are your advocate and experience. Your partner in the development, publication and distribution of your work. There is a cost to these services and WFGA shares these costs with you to minimize your financial exposure while still allowing us to get the work into the marketplace. Some of these costs come up front, ar at the time of service, others are realized at the point of sale. We are partners in your success and if you are not successful, we are not successful. We are in this together. A full schedule of fees and costs is provided within your agency and publication contract.


As your agent, WFGA provides critical edit, prooing, formatting and story developement of your work. We are your partner in insuring your work has the best possible chance for success.

As Agent, we walk you through the publication, distribution and marketing components of selling your work, serving as your advocate and intermediary.


As publisher, we format your work for hardcover, paperback and eBook. Audiobooks are a major undertaking and expensive to produce. Audiobooks are a discussion between author and agent.

Once your book is formatted and in the system, we are approased of the cost per copy. The author and agent determine a final selling cost and this creates a gross-profit. THis profit is split between the author, agency, publisher, distribution and marketing .


Distribution is the cost of printing, packaging and shipping your product.


This is the single largest expense of any publication. As a self-published author you must find readers one at a time. Few, if any, self-published authors find their way into the retail bookseller market, or into the entertainment industry. WFGA provides the connectivity and expertise to drive your work into the marketplace. The author has a significant investment as well. You must be willing to travel, to promote and to invest personally in your success. We can open the door, but you need to walk in with us to make this happen. THIS IS NOT A FAST PROCESS. Growing your brand as an author that readers want to buy is a long seige, not a get-rich-quick scheme. We are invested in our authors over a career, not a single effort.